关于 Freenom Freenom 是一家提供免费和付费域名注册服务的公司。他们是 ICANN 认证的注册商,这意味着他们被授权销售域名。Freenom 提供各种顶级域名 (TLD),包括流行的 .com、.net 和 .org 域名。MJJ们也都很熟悉了,免费域名的羊毛很多人都有。


Press Statement Amsterdam, 12th of February 2024. Freenom today announced it has resolved the lawsuit brought by Meta Platforms, Inc. on confidential monetary and business Terms. Freenom recognizes Meta’s legitimate interest in enforcing its intellectual property rights and protecting its users from fraud and abuse. Freenom and its related companies have also independently decided to exit the domain name business, including the operation of registries. While Freenom winds down its domain name business, Freenom will treat the Meta family of companies as a trusted notifier and will also implement a block list to address future phishing, DNS abuse, and cybersquattin

Freenom今日宣布,已就Meta Platforms, Inc.提起的诉讼达成一致解决方案,具体财务条款与商业安排均保密。Freenom承认Meta对其知识产权权益的合法保护需求以及保护用户免受欺诈和滥用行为伤害的重要性。 Freenom及其关联公司也已独立决定退出域名业务,包括域名注册局的运营。在逐步结束域名业务的过程中,Freenom将把Meta公司及其相关企业视为值得信赖的通知者,并将实施阻止列表机制,以应对未来可能出现的网络钓鱼、DNS滥用以及域名抢注等问题。同时,Freenom承诺在此过渡期间确保所有现有用户的权益得到妥善处理,并将继续致力于维护网络安全环境,直至域名业务完全停止运营。

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